
Welcome to our website!

We are a team of researchers and engineers who are dedicated to advancing the field of autonomous ocean sampling using underwater robots. Our mission is to improve our understanding of the ocean and its complex processes through the use of cutting-edge technology and innovative statistical modelling techniques.

Our research focuses on developing autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with advanced sensors and statistical models that can sample the ocean in real-time. By collecting high-quality data on physical, chemical, and biological parameters of the ocean, we aim to better understand the impact of climate change and human activities on marine ecosystems.

Our team consists of experts from diverse backgrounds, including oceanography, robotics, statistics, and computer science. We believe that by bringing together people with different perspectives and expertise, we can tackle the most pressing challenges facing our oceans.

Our Research

Our research involves the development and deployment of AUVs that can operate autonomously for extended periods of time, collecting data on various oceanic parameters. Our AUVs are equipped with a suite of advanced sensors, including temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and fluorescence sensors, that can measure the physical and biological properties of the ocean.

To make sense of the vast amount of data collected by our AUVs, we use innovative statistical modelling techniques. These models enable us to identify patterns and trends in the data, and to make predictions about future changes in the ocean.

Our Goals

Our ultimate goal is to use our research to inform policy decisions and to help protect and preserve our oceans. By improving our understanding of the ocean and its complex processes, we hope to contribute to the development of sustainable solutions for ocean management and conservation.

We are also committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with others. Through this website, we aim to provide access to our research findings, as well as educational resources and opportunities for collaboration.

Our Collaborators

We welcome collaborations with individuals and organizations who share our passion for ocean research and conservation. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please visit our collaborations.

Thank you for visiting our website! We hope that you find our research and resources informative and inspiring. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.